Portuguese Companies' English Proficiency

Prime Properties Madeira Real Estate Agency

In the world of job hunting, knowing how to speak and write English has become as essential as knowing how to make a decent cup of coffee. 🇵🇹☕

And Portugal? Well, Portugal isn't just sipping on English; it's practically guzzling it down. Among European countries that don't officially speak English, Portugal ranks second in the demand for English proficiency in job recruitment, right behind the multilingual masters in Luxembourg.

The OECD's "Skills Outlook 2023" report shouts it from the rooftops: language skills matter! Previous studies have already crowned English as the sixth most sought-after skill in job vacancies across Europe.

So, what's the buzz? In 2022, a whopping 54% of job listings in Portugal—whether they were straightforward about it or beat around the bush with English advertisements—demanded English proficiency.

Now, let's talk stats. Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Luxembourg, and good ol' Portugal, all featured English requirements in at least 33% of job postings. We're playing in the big leagues!

But don't feel too bad for our friends in Spain; only three out of ten job ads there ask for English skills. Meanwhile, Finland (13%), Croatia, and Latvia (both at 15%) are bringing up the rear.

Here's the kicker: for Brazilians seeking to break into the Portuguese and European job market, English is a gateway skill. Unlike in Brazil, where it's not as prevalent, Portuguese companies are craving those who can confidently converse in English.

As for the other languages—French, German, and Spanish—Portugal stands tall above the European average. Approximately 19% of job listings in 2022 called for Spanish knowledge, demonstrating that Portugal is a linguistically diverse place to work.

So, if you're on the hunt for a job in Portugal, polish up your English skills. And if you're already here, pat yourself on the back for being ahead of the curve in the European job market.