Sustainable Energy - (

Sustainable building renovation

The Minister of the Environment stated that sustainable renovation of buildings, improving their energy efficiency and environmental performance, will be one of the most important measures to recover the economy in the post-covid-19 phase.

According to João Matos Fernandes, Portugal will provide 610 million euros" from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) for energy efficiency and improving the environmental performance of buildings over the next five years.

The minister spoke at the opening of the VII Lisbon Urban Rehabilitation Week on "the RRP and the focus on urban rehabilitation.

Matos Fernandes stressed that 300 of these 610 million euros are for energy efficiency and environmental measures in residential buildings.

According to the governor, the remaining 310 million euros will be allocated to energy efficiency in public administration buildings, 240 million, and services, "with a particular focus on tourism," 70 million.

Matos Fernandes also pointed out that households with lower incomes will be covered by "support initiatives " and that may include, in the case of low-income households. Among these, he highlighted the program that intends to grant economically vulnerable families a voucher worth 1,300 euros, to improve the energy performance of their homes, through "investments in the surroundings" and "replacement or acquisition of energy-efficient equipment and solutions.